Monday 26 November 2012

Qashinka Hargeysa Xaggee buu ku Dambeeyaa? W/Q. Ahmed Ibraahim Cawaale

Hilaaddii meel 40 km waqooyi ka xigta Hargeysa, gudaha dooxa waxa yaallaa qashin aad u badan oo ka kooban caagado, kabo, guraarado, siriijyo, gadhfeedho, furar, quraarado cadar, daasado biif-baaf, jarikaanno, sanaaduuqda barafka, caagagga kiriimada jidhka lagu caddeeyo, baco, iyo boqolaal jaad oo qaarkood ku suntan yihiin astaanta shirkado caalami ah. Walax wal oo aad meesha ku aragtaaba waxa kaaga baxay sheeko gaar ah.
Ma malayn kartaa meeshu uu dooxani geyn doono rarkan foosha xun? Waa badda oo 80 km goobtan waqooyi ka xigta.
Ma se malayn kartaa meesha uu ka yimid qashinkani? Ma aha meel kale oo aan ahayn Hargeysa, caasimadda Somaliland. Wadhi! Wadhi! Wadhi!

Qof kasta oo aan la soconin arrinkan waxa laga yaabaa in uu canaanta dusha ka saaro bulshada reer Hargeysa. Maya! Sinaba maya! Waxa keenay (sababay) barnaamajkii qashin ururinta oo lagu guul darraystay. Soomaalidu waa ay jeceshay nadaafadda guryahooda iyo agagaarkooda, ayaan darro se waxa si xun u liita ururintii iyo basrintii qashinka. Sidaas awgeed, marka ay roobabku da’aan, ayaa qashinkii magaalada suuqyadeeda buux dhaafiyay dooxa galaa.

Cidhib xumada arrinkan ka dhalataa waxa weeye in qashinkaasi ku darsamo badda isla markaana si xun u saameeyo noolaha badda.

Xilli loo diyaar garoobayo doorashooyinkii Goleyaasha Deegaanka, waxa habboon in si xooggan looga doodo oo la is-waydiiyo waxyaabaha aynnu ka rabno xil-wadeennada la dooran doono.

The Garbage of Hargeisa: Where Does it End?

Roughly 40 km north of Hargeisa, in the bed of Jaleelo water course, there lies large quantities of garbage of all sorts (plastic bottles, sandals, grass bottles, disposable syringes, insecticide canisters, old plastic combs, plastic lids, scent containers, jerry cans, plastic buckets, cold boxes, empty (skin bleaching) cream tubes, plastic bags, and hundreds of different materials some with international brands. Every piece has a story to tell. Can anyone guess where this seasonal water course empties its water and its ugly load? Into our sea, eighty kilometers further downstream.

Can you also imagine where this garbage originated? It is no other place than the Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. Shame! Shame! Shame!

Anyone who does know not the situation may throw the blame upon the residents of Hargeisa. No. by all means no! This is the product of a failed municipal garbage management system. Somalis like to keep their houses and surroundings clean, unfortunately the collection system is pitifully inferior. Therefore, when the rain comes, it washes the garbage downstream into the river bed.

The consequence: Pollution of catastrophic proportion at the estuary affecting the marine life.
At a time we are bracing ourselves for the municipal elections, it is high time for everybody to ask him/her self what we should expect from the incoming officials.

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