Tuesday 9 April 2013


Due to overgrazing and inappropriate land management, our rangelands are becoming more difficult to sustainably and efficiently support our livestock population through the traditional free grazing which existed for many centuries.
What we can learn from the body condition of this camel is that it maintains full body weight with minimum feed originating from food leftovers and vegetative remnants of Qat leaves, mostly consumed by men. This may indicate the possibility of establishing camel farms and ‘sedentarizing’ the ever mobile animal so that it can be maintained with less feed. Moreover, this could result in the increase of milk and meat production, and eventually increase of incomes. 

Another positive aspect could be the diminishing of inter communal frictions, as most of the conflicts in the past have been triggered by different issues relating to camel herding such as rustling, stealing and unknotting a camel bell from the neck of a she-camel, and barring camels from accessing water.
On the negative side, the whole culture and indigenous knowledge relating to camel husbandry and management could be lost forever.
Jokingly, we can also learn from this picture how to tread by the road (giving way to motor vehicles lol)

Xaalufka iyo si-xun-u-maamulidda dhulka awgeed, waxa uu dhul-daaqsimeedkeenni isu doorinayaa mid aan kaabi karin kuna fillaan karin xoolaheenna nool – si la mid ah sidii lagu soo dhaqmi jiray boqollaal gu’ iyo in ka badanba.
Maxaynu ka baran karnaa Awrka:
Waxa muuqata in jidhkiisu buuxo isaga oo aan cunto badan cunin – oo aan ahayn hambooyinka iyo garaabada qaadka uu ka helo suuqyada Berbera. Tani waxa ay tilmaan u noqon kartaa suurto-galnimada in geela meel lagu xerayn karo, oo la yarayn karo socodkii dheeraa ee ay nafaqada iyo tamartu kaga baxaysay. Sidoo kale, waxa badan kara caanaha iyo hilibka – taas oo si la mid ah uu kordhi karo dakhliga ka soo gelaya cidda dhaqanaysa. Faa’iido kale oo hab-dhaqankani yeelan karo waxa weeye: Waxa yaraan doona dirirta iyo qulqulatooyinka ka dhasha geela sida xatooyada/dhaca geela, furashada/xadista kooraha, geel biyihii loo diiday (ceelkii la iska hortaagay) iwm.
Dhinca taban, hab dhaqankani waxa uu horseedi karaa in ay lunto aqoontii ab’agooga (hore) ahayd ee la xidhiidh-dhay dhaqashada geela.
Kaftan: Waxa kale oo aynu ka baran karnaa awrka jidka oo si nabadgelyo ku jirto loo maro kkkkkk

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